Stone Sheets


Flexi-Slim & Translucent Stone Sheets


Flexible and versatile!

Our Flexi-Slim 1mm is so versatile and is able to be used in places that normal stone veneers would not be viable, due to their lightweight nature and can be used on curved walls due to their flexibility. 
We recommend that the Flexi-Slim is used for internal use only.


Can be curved!

Flexi-Slim Stones are made by taking a layer from natural stone and bonding that to a layer of fabric backing. Producing a thin, very flexible sheet of stone which can be applied to almost any surface, and can be curved to be used on corners and pillars. 


Can be back lit to glow

Our range of translucent stone sheets are made using a thin layer of stone with a transparent resin backing to create a beautiful stone sheet that can be back lit to enhance the stones features and characteristics. These sheets are ideal for bar fronts, counters, feature walls and lighting features.

Huge selection to choose from....

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